Analyzing Wrap-Up Effects through an Information-Theoretic Lens


読書時間 (RT) データの多数の分析が実施されていますが、これらはすべて、読解を促進する認知プロセスをより深く理解するための取り組みです。
これらの単語の RT 数。
事前のコンテキストにおける情報の分布は、多くの場合、文末 RT および文末 RT を予測します (ただし、文中間 RT は予測しません)。


Numerous analyses of reading time (RT) data have been implemented — all in an effort to better understand the cognitive processes driving reading comprehension. However, data measured on words at the end of a sentence — or even at the end of a clause — is often omitted due to the confounding factors introduced by so-called ‘wrap-up effects,’ which manifests as a skewed distribution of RTs for these words. Consequently, the understanding of the cognitive processes that might be involved in these wrap-up effects is limited. In this work, we attempt to learn more about these processes by examining the relationship between wrap-up effects and information-theoretic quantities, such as word and context surprisals. We find that the distribution of information in prior contexts is often predictive of sentence- and clause-final RTs (while not of sentence-medial RTs). This lends support to several prior hypotheses about the processes involved in wrap-up effects.


著者 Clara Meister,Tiago Pimentel,Thomas Hikaru Clark,Ryan Cotterell,Roger Levy
発行日 2024-01-05 16:10:15+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CL パーマリンク