Direction of Arrival Estimation Using Microphone Array Processing for Moving Humanoid Robots


このシステムは通常、マイクロフォン アレイを使用して周囲の音場を取得します。
広く適用されている方法の 1 つは、到来方向推定です。
このモデルに基づいて 2 つの処理方法が提案されています。
1 つ目はロボットの動きを補正します。
2 番目の方法は、周期的な信号に適用でき、動きを利用して、固定アレイを超えるレベルまで性能を向上させます。


The auditory system of humanoid robots has gained increased attention in recent years. This system typically acquires the surrounding sound field by means of a microphone array. Signals acquired by the array are then processed using various methods. One of the widely applied methods is direction of arrival estimation. The conventional direction of arrival estimation methods assume that the array is fixed at a given position during the estimation. However, this is not necessarily true for an array installed on a moving humanoid robot. The array motion, if not accounted for appropriately, can introduce a significant error in the estimated direction of arrival. The current paper presents a signal model that takes the motion into account. Based on this model, two processing methods are proposed. The first one compensates for the motion of the robot. The second method is applicable to periodic signals and utilizes the motion in order to enhance the performance to a level beyond that of a stationary array. Numerical simulations and an experimental study are provided, demonstrating that the motion compensation method almost eliminates the motion-related error. It is also demonstrated that by using the motion-based enhancement method it is possible to improve the direction of arrival estimation performance, as compared to that obtained when using a stationary array.


著者 Vladimir Tourbabin,Boaz Rafaely
発行日 2024-01-04 17:55:17+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.RO, cs.SD, eess.AS パーマリンク