ChartAssisstant: A Universal Chart Multimodal Language Model via Chart-to-Table Pre-training and Multitask Instruction Tuning




Charts play a vital role in data visualization, understanding data patterns, and informed decision-making. However, their unique combination of graphical elements (e.g., bars, lines) and textual components (e.g., labels, legends) poses challenges for general-purpose multimodal models. While vision-language models trained on chart data excel in comprehension, they struggle with generalization and require task-specific fine-tuning. To address these challenges, we propose ChartAssistant, a chart-based vision-language model for universal chart comprehension and reasoning. ChartAssistant leverages ChartSFT, a comprehensive dataset covering diverse chart-related tasks with basic and specialized chart types. It undergoes a two-stage training process, starting with pre-training on chart-to-table parsing to align chart and text, followed by multitask instruction-following fine-tuning. This approach enables ChartAssistant to achieve competitive performance across various chart tasks without task-specific fine-tuning. Experimental results demonstrate significant performance gains over the state-of-the-art UniChart method, outperforming OpenAI’s GPT-4V(ision) on real-world chart data. The code and data are available at


著者 Fanqing Meng,Wenqi Shao,Quanfeng Lu,Peng Gao,Kaipeng Zhang,Yu Qiao,Ping Luo
発行日 2024-01-04 17:51:48+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, DeepL

カテゴリー: cs.CV パーマリンク