Discrete Messages Improve Communication Efficiency among Isolated Intelligent Agents


私たちは 2 つの具体的な仮説を立てました。まず、エージェントが多様な個人的経験を持っている場合、連続的なメッセージよりも個別のメッセージの方が効果的です。
第 2 に、複数の個別のトークンを使用した通信は、単一のトークンを使用した通信よりも有利です。


Individuals, despite having varied life experiences and learning processes, can communicate effectively through languages. This study aims to explore the efficiency of language as a communication medium. We put forth two specific hypotheses: First, discrete messages are more effective than continuous ones when agents have diverse personal experiences. Second, communications using multiple discrete tokens are more advantageous than those using a single token. To valdate these hypotheses, we designed multi-agent machine learning experiments to assess communication efficiency using various information transmission methods between speakers and listeners. Our empirical findings indicate that, in scenarios where agents are exposed to different data, communicating through sentences composed of discrete tokens offers the best inter-agent communication efficiency. The limitations of our finding include lack of systematic advantages over other more sophisticated encoder-decoder model such as variational autoencoder and lack of evluation on non-image dataset, which we will leave for future studies.


著者 Hang Chen,Yuchuan Jang,Weijie Zhou,Cristian Meo,Ziwei Chen,Dianbo Liu
発行日 2023-12-28 06:10:28+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.IT, cs.LG, math.IT パーマリンク