Pricing with Contextual Elasticity and Heteroscedastic Valuation


この問題を解決するために、我々は「Pricing with Perturbation (PwP)」と呼ばれる計算効率の高いアルゴリズムを提案します。このアルゴリズムは、任意の敵対的な入力コンテキスト シーケンスを許可しながら、$O(\sqrt{dT\log T})$ の後悔を享受します。
また、$\Omega(\sqrt{dT})$ で一致する下限を証明し、$d$ と $T$ ($\log T$ 因子まで) に関する最適性を示します。


We study an online contextual dynamic pricing problem, where customers decide whether to purchase a product based on its features and price. We introduce a novel approach to modeling a customer’s expected demand by incorporating feature-based price elasticity, which can be equivalently represented as a valuation with heteroscedastic noise. To solve the problem, we propose a computationally efficient algorithm called ‘Pricing with Perturbation (PwP)’, which enjoys an $O(\sqrt{dT\log T})$ regret while allowing arbitrary adversarial input context sequences. We also prove a matching lower bound at $\Omega(\sqrt{dT})$ to show the optimality regarding $d$ and $T$ (up to $\log T$ factors). Our results shed light on the relationship between contextual elasticity and heteroscedastic valuation, providing insights for effective and practical pricing strategies.


著者 Jianyu Xu,Yu-Xiang Wang
発行日 2023-12-26 11:07:37+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: 62C20, 62P20, 90B50, 91B06, 91B24, cs.LG, econ.EM, I.2.6, stat.ML パーマリンク