SpecNeRF: Gaussian Directional Encoding for Specular Reflections


ニューラル放射フィールドは、3D シーンの外観のモデリングにおいて顕著なパフォーマンスを達成しました。
その結果、さまざまな粗さ係数を持つ任意の 3D 位置で、事前に畳み込まれた鏡面反射色の効率的な評価が可能になります。


Neural radiance fields have achieved remarkable performance in modeling the appearance of 3D scenes. However, existing approaches still struggle with the view-dependent appearance of glossy surfaces, especially under complex lighting of indoor environments. Unlike existing methods, which typically assume distant lighting like an environment map, we propose a learnable Gaussian directional encoding to better model the view-dependent effects under near-field lighting conditions. Importantly, our new directional encoding captures the spatially-varying nature of near-field lighting and emulates the behavior of prefiltered environment maps. As a result, it enables the efficient evaluation of preconvolved specular color at any 3D location with varying roughness coefficients. We further introduce a data-driven geometry prior that helps alleviate the shape radiance ambiguity in reflection modeling. We show that our Gaussian directional encoding and geometry prior significantly improve the modeling of challenging specular reflections in neural radiance fields, which helps decompose appearance into more physically meaningful components.


著者 Li Ma,Vasu Agrawal,Haithem Turki,Changil Kim,Chen Gao,Pedro Sander,Michael Zollhöfer,Christian Richardt
発行日 2023-12-20 15:20:25+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CV パーマリンク