Less is more — the Dispatcher/ Executor principle for multi-task Reinforcement Learning


これは、コントローラーを 2 つのエンティティ (タスクを理解するエンティティ (ディスパッチャ) と特定のデバイスの制御を計算するエンティティ (エグゼキュータ)) に分割し、これら 2 つを強力に正規化した通信チャネルで接続することを提案しています。
これは、ある意味、膨大な量のデータでトレーニングされた大規模なニューラル ネットワークを使用し、新たな一般化特性に賭けるという現在の傾向に対する「はい、そして…」という回答です。


Humans instinctively know how to neglect details when it comes to solve complex decision making problems in environments with unforeseeable variations. This abstraction process seems to be a vital property for most biological systems and helps to ‘abstract away’ unnecessary details and boost generalisation. In this work we introduce the dispatcher/ executor principle for the design of multi-task Reinforcement Learning controllers. It suggests to partition the controller in two entities, one that understands the task (the dispatcher) and one that computes the controls for the specific device (the executor) – and to connect these two by a strongly regularizing communication channel. The core rationale behind this position paper is that changes in structure and design principles can improve generalisation properties and drastically enforce data-efficiency. It is in some sense a ‘yes, and …’ response to the current trend of using large neural networks trained on vast amounts of data and bet on emerging generalisation properties. While we agree on the power of scaling – in the sense of Sutton’s ‘bitter lesson’ – we will give some evidence, that considering structure and adding design principles can be a valuable and critical component in particular when data is not abundant and infinite, but is a precious resource.


著者 Martin Riedmiller,Tim Hertweck,Roland Hafner
発行日 2023-12-14 16:54:37+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.LG, cs.RO パーマリンク