AR-Diffusion: Auto-Regressive Diffusion Model for Text Generation


自然言語の固有の逐次特性を説明するために、自己回帰拡散 (AR-Difffusion) を導入します。
AR 拡散により、右側のトークンの生成が左側で生成されたトークンに依存することが保証されます。このメカニズムは、トークンの位置に基づいて変化する動的ノイズ除去ステップの数を採用することで実現されます。
テキストの要約、機械翻訳、常識生成などのさまざまなテキスト生成タスクに関する一連の実験で、AR-Diffusion は既存の拡散言語モデルよりも優れており、
私たちのコードは で入手できます。


Diffusion models have gained significant attention in the realm of image generation due to their exceptional performance. Their success has been recently expanded to text generation via generating all tokens within a sequence concurrently. However, natural language exhibits a far more pronounced sequential dependency in comparison to images, and the majority of existing language models are trained with a left-to-right auto-regressive approach. To account for the inherent sequential characteristic of natural language, we introduce Auto-Regressive Diffusion (AR-Diffusion). AR-Diffusion ensures that the generation of tokens on the right depends on the generated ones on the left, a mechanism achieved through employing a dynamic number of denoising steps that vary based on token position. This results in tokens on the left undergoing fewer denoising steps than those on the right, thereby enabling them to generate earlier and subsequently influence the generation of tokens on the right. In a series of experiments on various text generation tasks, including text summarization, machine translation, and common sense generation, AR-Diffusion clearly demonstrated its superiority over existing diffusion language models and that it can be $100\times\sim600\times$ faster when achieving comparable results. Our code is available at


著者 Tong Wu,Zhihao Fan,Xiao Liu,Yeyun Gong,Yelong Shen,Jian Jiao,Hai-Tao Zheng,Juntao Li,Zhongyu Wei,Jian Guo,Nan Duan,Weizhu Chen
発行日 2023-12-13 10:24:00+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CL パーマリンク