A unified framework for information-theoretic generalization bounds


主な技術ツールは、測定の変更と $L_{\psi_p}$ Orlicz 空間におけるヤングの不等式の緩和に基づく確率的無相関補題です。
相互情報量、条件付き相互情報量、確率的連鎖、および PAC ベイの不等式に基づくものを含む、既存の一般化限界。


This paper presents a general methodology for deriving information-theoretic generalization bounds for learning algorithms. The main technical tool is a probabilistic decorrelation lemma based on a change of measure and a relaxation of Young’s inequality in $L_{\psi_p}$ Orlicz spaces. Using the decorrelation lemma in combination with other techniques, such as symmetrization, couplings, and chaining in the space of probability measures, we obtain new upper bounds on the generalization error, both in expectation and in high probability, and recover as special cases many of the existing generalization bounds, including the ones based on mutual information, conditional mutual information, stochastic chaining, and PAC-Bayes inequalities. In addition, the Fernique-Talagrand upper bound on the expected supremum of a subgaussian process emerges as a special case.


著者 Yifeng Chu,Maxim Raginsky
発行日 2023-12-06 18:59:16+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.IT, cs.LG, math.IT, stat.ML パーマリンク