Road Network Deterioration Monitoring Using Aerial Images and Computer Vision


無人航空機の使用に基づいてインベントリを維持するためのプロトコルの概念実証を提示し、ポットホールとその重大度を自動的に識別するコンピューター ビジョン プログラムによって処理される画像をすばやく収集します。


Road maintenance is an essential process for guaranteeing the quality of transportation in any city. A crucial step towards effective road maintenance is the ability to update the inventory of the road network. We present a proof of concept of a protocol for maintaining said inventory based on the use of unmanned aerial vehicles to quickly collect images which are processed by a computer vision program that automatically identifies potholes and their severity. Our protocol aims to provide information to local governments to prioritise the road network maintenance budget, and to be able to detect early stages of road deterioration so as to minimise maintenance expenditure.


著者 Nicolas Parra-A,Vladimir Vargas-Calderón,Herbert Vinck-Posada,Nicanor Vinck
発行日 2022-09-30 13:05:03+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CV, cs.CY パーマリンク