FollowMe: a Robust Person Following Framework Based on Re-Identification and Gestures


ヒューマン ロボット インタラクション (HRI) は、住宅や産業において運用の柔軟性を促進する重要な要素となっています。
このニーズに応えるために、当社は統合された認識およびナビゲーション フレームワークを開発しました。これにより、視覚的再識別 (Re-ID)、手のジェスチャー検出、および衝突のないナビゲーションを組み合わせて、ロボットが対象人物を識別して追跡できるようになります。
ナビゲーション スタックは、環境内の障害物や他の個人を避けてターゲットを追跡するために使用されます。


Human-robot interaction (HRI) has become a crucial enabler in houses and industries for facilitating operational flexibility. When it comes to mobile collaborative robots, this flexibility can be further increased due to the autonomous mobility and navigation capacity of the robotic agents, expanding their workspace and consequently, the personalizable assistance they can provide to the human operators. This however requires that the robot is capable of detecting and identifying the human counterpart in all stages of the collaborative task, and in particular while following a human in crowded workplaces. To respond to this need, we developed a unified perception and navigation framework, which enables the robot to identify and follow a target person using a combination of visual Re-Identification (Re-ID), hand gestures detection, and collision-free navigation. The Re-ID module can autonomously learn the features of a target person and use the acquired knowledge to visually re-identify the target. The navigation stack is used to follow the target avoiding obstacles and other individuals in the environment. Experiments are conducted with few subjects in a laboratory setting where some unknown dynamic obstacles are introduced.


著者 Federico Rollo,Andrea Zunino,Gennaro Raiola,Fabio Amadio,Arash Ajoudani,Nikolaos Tsagarakis
発行日 2023-11-21 20:59:27+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CV, cs.RO パーマリンク