The effect of speech pathology on automatic speaker verification — a large-scale study


データ駆動型音声処理の課題を乗り越える際の主なハードルの 1 つは、信頼できる病理学的音声データにアクセスすることです。
さまざまな年齢層や言語障害にわたる n=3,800 人以上の被験者を含む包括的な現実世界の病理学的音声コーパスを使用し、深層学習による自動話者検証 (ASV) アプローチを採用しました。
その結果、平均等誤り率 (EER) は 0.89%、標準偏差は 0.06% となり、従来のベンチマークを上回りました。
重要なのは、音声明瞭度は ASV システムのパフォーマンス指標に影響を与えないことです。
病理学的タイプ間のデータを統合すると、EER が顕著に減少しました。これは、ASV の有効性が対数的に増加し、ASV における病理学的多様性の潜在的な利点を示唆しています。


Navigating the challenges of data-driven speech processing, one of the primary hurdles is accessing reliable pathological speech data. While public datasets appear to offer solutions, they come with inherent risks of potential unintended exposure of patient health information via re-identification attacks. Using a comprehensive real-world pathological speech corpus, with over n=3,800 test subjects spanning various age groups and speech disorders, we employed a deep-learning-driven automatic speaker verification (ASV) approach. This resulted in a notable mean equal error rate (EER) of 0.89% with a standard deviation of 0.06%, outstripping traditional benchmarks. Our comprehensive assessments demonstrate that pathological speech overall faces heightened privacy breach risks compared to healthy speech. Specifically, adults with dysphonia are at heightened re-identification risks, whereas conditions like dysarthria yield results comparable to those of healthy speakers. Crucially, speech intelligibility does not influence the ASV system’s performance metrics. In pediatric cases, particularly those with cleft lip and palate, the recording environment plays a decisive role in re-identification. Merging data across pathological types led to a marked EER decrease, suggesting the potential benefits of pathological diversity in ASV, accompanied by a logarithmic boost in ASV effectiveness. In essence, this research sheds light on the dynamics between pathological speech and speaker verification, emphasizing its crucial role in safeguarding patient confidentiality in our increasingly digitized healthcare era.


著者 Soroosh Tayebi Arasteh,Tobias Weise,Maria Schuster,Elmar Noeth,Andreas Maier,Seung Hee Yang
発行日 2023-11-22 14:10:56+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.LG, cs.SD, eess.AS パーマリンク