Quantum learning and essential cognition under the traction of meta-characteristics in an open world


しかし、オープンワールド問題には新たな未知の探索の旅が伴うため、AI は重大な課題に直面しています。
AI は本質的に探索に積極的ではなく、未知の世界にどのようにアプローチして適応するかを知らないことが課題となります。
AI が新しい世界で異なる特徴を持つ物体に遭遇すると、別の課題に直面します。それは、新しい物体と古い物体の影響力のある特徴を区別する特徴はどこにあるのかということです。
AI は知識システム間の特徴分布の違いを学習していないため、新世界のヒグマを既知のイヌと間違えることがよくあります。
新しい知識の学習におけるモデル システムの優れたパフォーマンス (例として歩行者再識別データセットを使用) は、AI が最大 $96.71\%$ の精度で新しい世界を認識する能力を獲得し、


Artificial intelligence has made significant progress in the Close World problem, being able to accurately recognize old knowledge through training and classification. However, AI faces significant challenges in the Open World problem, as it involves a new and unknown exploration journey. AI is not inherently proactive in exploration, and its challenge lies in not knowing how to approach and adapt to the unknown world. How do humans acquire knowledge of the unknown world. Humans identify new knowledge through intrinsic cognition. In the process of recognizing new colors, the cognitive cues are different from known color features and involve hue, saturation, brightness, and other characteristics. When AI encounters objects with different features in the new world, it faces another challenge: where are the distinguishing features between influential features of new and old objects? AI often mistakes a new world’s brown bear for a known dog because it has not learned the differences in feature distributions between knowledge systems. This is because things in the new and old worlds have different units and dimensions for their features. This paper proposes an open-world model and elemental feature system that focuses on fundamentally recognizing the distribution differences in objective features between the new and old worlds. The quantum tunneling effect of learning ability in the new and old worlds is realized through the tractive force of meta-characteristic. The outstanding performance of the model system in learning new knowledge (using pedestrian re-identification datasets as an example) demonstrates that AI has acquired the ability to recognize the new world with an accuracy of $96.71\%$ at most and has gained the capability to explore new knowledge, similar to humans.


著者 Jin Wang,Changlin Song
発行日 2023-11-22 11:55:41+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.CV パーマリンク