Adversarial Reweighting Guided by Wasserstein Distance for Bias Mitigation


これらの問題に対処するために、公平性を意識した機械学習は、予測の有効性と不公平性の低さを目的として 2 つ (またはそれ以上) の指標を共同で最適化します。
この論文では、このような \emph{表現バイアス} に対処するための新しい敵対的再重み付け手法を提案します。
実験では、私たちのアプローチが分類精度を犠牲にすることなくバイアスを軽減し、画像および表形式のベンチマーク データセットで関連する最先端の手法を上回るパフォーマンスを示していることが実証されています。


The unequal representation of different groups in a sample population can lead to discrimination of minority groups when machine learning models make automated decisions. To address these issues, fairness-aware machine learning jointly optimizes two (or more) metrics aiming at predictive effectiveness and low unfairness. However, the inherent under-representation of minorities in the data makes the disparate treatment of subpopulations less noticeable and difficult to deal with during learning. In this paper, we propose a novel adversarial reweighting method to address such \emph{representation bias}. To balance the data distribution between the majority and the minority groups, our approach deemphasizes samples from the majority group. To minimize empirical risk, our method prefers samples from the majority group that are close to the minority group as evaluated by the Wasserstein distance. Our theoretical analysis shows the effectiveness of our adversarial reweighting approach. Experiments demonstrate that our approach mitigates bias without sacrificing classification accuracy, outperforming related state-of-the-art methods on image and tabular benchmark datasets.


著者 Xuan Zhao,Simone Fabbrizzi,Paula Reyero Lobo,Siamak Ghodsi,Klaus Broelemann,Steffen Staab,Gjergji Kasneci
発行日 2023-11-21 15:46:11+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.LG パーマリンク