Visual Environment Assessment for Safe Autonomous Quadrotor Landing


当社のソリューションは 2D と 3D の環境情報を効率的に統合し、GPS や高度な計算を必要とする標高地図などの外部支援の必要性を排除します。
提案されたパイプラインは、ニューラル ネットワーク (NN) から得られたセマンティック データを組み合わせて環境特徴を抽出し、視差マップから取得した幾何学的データを組み合わせて、傾斜、平坦度、粗さなどの重要な幾何学的属性を抽出します。


Autonomous identification and evaluation of safe landing zones are of paramount importance for ensuring the safety and effectiveness of aerial robots in the event of system failures, low battery, or the successful completion of specific tasks. In this paper, we present a novel approach for detection and assessment of potential landing sites for safe quadrotor landing. Our solution efficiently integrates 2D and 3D environmental information, eliminating the need for external aids such as GPS and computationally intensive elevation maps. The proposed pipeline combines semantic data derived from a Neural Network (NN), to extract environmental features, with geometric data obtained from a disparity map, to extract critical geometric attributes such as slope, flatness, and roughness. We define several cost metrics based on these attributes to evaluate safety, stability, and suitability of regions in the environments and identify the most suitable landing area. Our approach runs in real-time on quadrotors equipped with limited computational capabilities. Experimental results conducted in diverse environments demonstrate that the proposed method can effectively assess and identify suitable landing areas, enabling the safe and autonomous landing of a quadrotor.


著者 Mattia Secchiero,Nishanth Bobbili,Yang Zhou,Giuseppe Loianno
発行日 2023-11-17 01:59:10+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CV, cs.RO パーマリンク