Probability of Collision of satellites and space debris for short-term encounters: Rederivation and fast-to-compute upper and lower bounds


2000 年に Akella と Alfriend によって提案された従来の方法は、短期間の遭遇における衝突確率を推定するために今でも広く使用されています。
短い時間を考慮すると、遭遇中は次のように仮定されます。(1) 軌跡は等速度の直線で表されます。
(2) 速度の不確実性はなく、位置は遭遇全体を通じて定常分布を示します。
(3) 位置の不確実性は独立しており、ガウス分布で表されます。
ESA の衝突回避チャレンジで使用された実際の CDM データセットで、オリジナルと私たちの定式化を使用して、確率計算と限界計算の両方の実装をテストしました。
私たちのアプローチは確率の計算を 2 つの 1 次元積分に減らし、従来の方法と比較して処理時間を 80% からほぼリアルタイムにまで大幅に短縮できる可能性があります。


The proliferation of space debris in LEO has become a major concern for the space industry. With the growing interest in space exploration, the prediction of potential collisions between objects in orbit has become a crucial issue. It is estimated that, in orbit, there are millions of fragments a few millimeters in size and thousands of inoperative satellites and discarded rocket stages. Given the high speeds that these fragments can reach, even fragments a few millimeters in size can cause fractures in a satellite’s hull or put a serious crack in the window of a space shuttle. The conventional method proposed by Akella and Alfriend in 2000 remains widely used to estimate the probability of collision in short-term encounters. Given the small period of time, it is assumed that, during the encounter: (1) trajectories are represented by straight lines with constant velocity; (2) there is no velocity uncertainty and the position exhibits a stationary distribution throughout the encounter; and (3) position uncertainties are independent and represented by Gaussian distributions. This study introduces a novel derivation based on first principles that naturally allows for tight and fast upper and lower bounds for the probability of collision. We tested implementations of both probability and bound computations with the original and our formulation on a real CDM dataset used in ESA’s Collision Avoidance Challenge. Our approach reduces the calculation of the probability to two one-dimensional integrals and has the potential to significantly reduce the processing time compared to the traditional method, from 80% to nearly real-time.


著者 Ricardo Ferreira,Cláudia Soares,Marta Guimarães
発行日 2023-11-15 14:12:55+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: astro-ph.EP, cs.LG, math.OC パーマリンク