Learning State-Aware Visual Representations from Audible Interactions


自己中心的なビデオ データから表現を学習する自己教師ありアルゴリズムを提案します。
その結果、相互作用が豊富なマルチモーダル データのいくつかの大規模な自己中心的なデータセットが出現しました。
これらの貢献を 2 つの大規模な自己中心的なデータセット、EPIC-Kitchens-100 と最近リリースされた Ego4D で広範囲に検証し、アクション認識、長期的なアクションの予測、オブジェクトの状態変化の分類など、いくつかのダウンストリーム タスクの改善を示します。


We propose a self-supervised algorithm to learn representations from egocentric video data. Recently, significant efforts have been made to capture humans interacting with their own environments as they go about their daily activities. In result, several large egocentric datasets of interaction-rich multi-modal data have emerged. However, learning representations from videos can be challenging. First, given the uncurated nature of long-form continuous videos, learning effective representations require focusing on moments in time when interactions take place. Second, visual representations of daily activities should be sensitive to changes in the state of the environment. However, current successful multi-modal learning frameworks encourage representation invariance over time. To address these challenges, we leverage audio signals to identify moments of likely interactions which are conducive to better learning. We also propose a novel self-supervised objective that learns from audible state changes caused by interactions. We validate these contributions extensively on two large-scale egocentric datasets, EPIC-Kitchens-100 and the recently released Ego4D, and show improvements on several downstream tasks, including action recognition, long-term action anticipation, and object state change classification.


著者 Himangi Mittal,Pedro Morgado,Unnat Jain,Abhinav Gupta
発行日 2022-09-27 17:57:13+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CV パーマリンク