DeepFusion: A Robust and Modular 3D Object Detector for Lidars, Cameras and Radars


最後に、検出ヘッドは豊富なマルチモーダル機能を利用して、3D 検出パフォーマンスを向上させます。
その過程で、225 メートルまでの遠くの車を検出するというほとんど未踏のタスクを研究し、ライダーとカメラの融合の利点を示します。
さらに、3D オブジェクト検出に必要な LIDAR ポイントの密度を調査し、悪天候に対するロバスト性の例でその意味を説明します。


We propose DeepFusion, a modular multi-modal architecture to fuse lidars, cameras and radars in different combinations for 3D object detection. Specialized feature extractors take advantage of each modality and can be exchanged easily, making the approach simple and flexible. Extracted features are transformed into bird’s-eye-view as a common representation for fusion. Spatial and semantic alignment is performed prior to fusing modalities in the feature space. Finally, a detection head exploits rich multi-modal features for improved 3D detection performance. Experimental results for lidar-camera, lidar-camera-radar and camera-radar fusion show the flexibility and effectiveness of our fusion approach. In the process, we study the largely unexplored task of faraway car detection up to 225 meters, showing the benefits of our lidar-camera fusion. Furthermore, we investigate the required density of lidar points for 3D object detection and illustrate implications at the example of robustness against adverse weather conditions. Moreover, ablation studies on our camera-radar fusion highlight the importance of accurate depth estimation.


著者 Florian Drews,Di Feng,Florian Faion,Lars Rosenbaum,Michael Ulrich,Claudius Gläser
発行日 2022-09-27 09:11:34+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.CV, cs.LG, cs.RO パーマリンク