Improving Image Clustering through Sample Ranking and Its Application to remote–sensing images


十分にトレーニングされたクラスタリング モデルをさらに改善するために、このホワイト ペーパーでは、まず現在のクラスターに属することの信頼度に基づいて各クラスター内のサンプルをランク付けし、次にそのランキングを使用して加重クロス エントロピー損失を公式化してトレーニングする新しい方法を提案します。
新しい手法を使用して最先端の画像クラスタリング モデルを改善し、$2.1\%$ から $15.9\%$ の精度パフォーマンスの向上を達成できることを実証する広範な実験結果を提示します。


Image clustering is a very useful technique that is widely applied to various areas, including remote sensing. Recently, visual representations by self-supervised learning have greatly improved the performance of image clustering. To further improve the well-trained clustering models, this paper proposes a novel method by first ranking samples within each cluster based on the confidence in their belonging to the current cluster and then using the ranking to formulate a weighted cross-entropy loss to train the model. For ranking the samples, we developed a method for computing the likelihood of samples belonging to the current clusters based on whether they are situated in densely populated neighborhoods, while for training the model, we give a strategy for weighting the ranked samples. We present extensive experimental results that demonstrate that the new technique can be used to improve the State-of-the-Art image clustering models, achieving accuracy performance gains ranging from $2.1\%$ to $15.9\%$. Performing our method on a variety of datasets from remote sensing, we show that our method can be effectively applied to remote–sensing images.


著者 Qinglin Li,Guoping Qiu
発行日 2022-09-26 12:10:02+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.CV, cs.LG パーマリンク