ConservationBots: Autonomous Aerial Robot for Fast Robust Wildlife Tracking in Complex Terrains


私たちは、複数の動的な無線タグ付き野生動物を追跡するための小型空中ロボット ConservationBots を開発しました。
私たちのアプローチは、軽量センサーと新しい概念を組み合わせることで生じる技術的および実用的問題を克服します。 i) 情報理論的目標に基づいて軌道と測定動作の両方を決定する計画。これにより、ロボットはほぼ瞬時の範囲のみの測定を戦略的に選択できます。
ii) ノイズに対してより堅牢な方位検出器、および iii) 現実世界の状況で経験される検出の見逃しや誤検出に対して堅牢な追跡アルゴリズムの定式化。
ウォンバット (Lasiorhinus latifrons; 地下の洞窟に生息する夜行性の脆弱な種) を使った研究と、経験豊富な生物学者との追跡比較により、当社の空中ロボットの有効性を検証し、手動による方法と比べて大きな利点があることを実証しました。


Today, the most widespread, widely applicable technology for gathering data relies on experienced scientists armed with handheld radio telemetry equipment to locate low-power radio transmitters attached to wildlife from the ground. Although aerial robots can transform labor-intensive conservation tasks, the realization of autonomous systems for tackling task complexities under real-world conditions remains a challenge. We developed ConservationBots-small aerial robots for tracking multiple, dynamic, radio-tagged wildlife. The aerial robot achieves robust localization performance and fast task completion times — significant for energy-limited aerial systems while avoiding close encounters with potential, counter-productive disturbances to wildlife. Our approach overcomes the technical and practical problems posed by combining a lightweight sensor with new concepts: i) planning to determine both trajectory and measurement actions guided by an information-theoretic objective, which allows the robot to strategically select near-instantaneous range-only measurements to achieve faster localization, and time-consuming sensor rotation actions to acquire bearing measurements and achieve robust tracking performance; ii) a bearing detector more robust to noise and iii) a tracking algorithm formulation robust to missed and false detections experienced in real-world conditions. We conducted extensive studies: simulations built upon complex signal propagation over high-resolution elevation data on diverse geographical terrains; field testing; studies with wombats (Lasiorhinus latifrons; nocturnal, vulnerable species dwelling in underground warrens) and tracking comparisons with a highly experienced biologist to validate the effectiveness of our aerial robot and demonstrate the significant advantages over the manual method.


著者 Fei Chen,Hoa Van Nguyen,David A. Taggart,Katrina Falkner,S. Hamid Rezatofighi,Damith C. Ranasinghe
発行日 2023-11-13 00:04:21+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.RO パーマリンク