Retrieval-based Text Selection for Addressing Class-Imbalanced Data in Classification


対処される追加の課題は、深刻なクラスの不均衡を反映して、少数の肯定的なインスタンスを持つバイナリ カテゴリを扱うことです。
これらの課題に対処するために、この論文では、SHAP を活用して Elasticsearch とセマンティック検索用の高品質なクエリのセットを構築し、クラスの不均衡を解消するのに役立つアノテーションに最適なテキストのセットを特定することを提案しています。
私たちの実験では、二項分類における少数派クラスの F1 スコアが改善されたことが実証されています。


This paper addresses the problem of selecting of a set of texts for annotation in text classification using retrieval methods when there are limits on the number of annotations due to constraints on human resources. An additional challenge addressed is dealing with binary categories that have a small number of positive instances, reflecting severe class imbalance. In our situation, where annotation occurs over a long time period, the selection of texts to be annotated can be made in batches, with previous annotations guiding the choice of the next set. To address these challenges, the paper proposes leveraging SHAP to construct a quality set of queries for Elasticsearch and semantic search, to try to identify optimal sets of texts for annotation that will help with class imbalance. The approach is tested on sets of cue texts describing possible future events, constructed by participants involved in studies aimed to help with the management of obesity and diabetes. We introduce an effective method for selecting a small set of texts for annotation and building high-quality classifiers. We integrate vector search, semantic search, and machine learning classifiers to yield a good solution. Our experiments demonstrate improved F1 scores for the minority classes in binary classification.


著者 Sareh Ahmadi,Aditya Shah,Edward Fox
発行日 2023-11-09 19:39:23+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CL パーマリンク