Anthropomorphic Grasping with Neural Object Shape Completion


このような器用さは、物体の特性 (重量、サイズ、形状など) に対する確かな理解と、それらと対話する驚くべき能力に由来しているようです。
この研究では、部分的な観察からオブジェクトの完全なジオメトリを再構築して完成させ、7-DoF 擬人化ロボット ハンドを使用してオブジェクトを操作することで、人間のようなオブジェクトの理解を活用します。
私たちのアプローチでは、部分的な再構成のみでベースラインの把握成功率が 30% 近く大幅に向上し、3 つの異なるオブジェクト カテゴリで 150 件を超える把握成功を達成しました。


The progressive prevalence of robots in human-suited environments has given rise to a myriad of object manipulation techniques, in which dexterity plays a paramount role. It is well-established that humans exhibit extraordinary dexterity when handling objects. Such dexterity seems to derive from a robust understanding of object properties (such as weight, size, and shape), as well as a remarkable capacity to interact with them. Hand postures commonly demonstrate the influence of specific regions on objects that need to be grasped, especially when objects are partially visible. In this work, we leverage human-like object understanding by reconstructing and completing their full geometry from partial observations, and manipulating them using a 7-DoF anthropomorphic robot hand. Our approach has significantly improved the grasping success rates of baselines with only partial reconstruction by nearly 30% and achieved over 150 successful grasps with three different object categories. This demonstrates our approach’s consistent ability to predict and execute grasping postures based on the completed object shapes from various directions and positions in real-world scenarios. Our work opens up new possibilities for enhancing robotic applications that require precise grasping and manipulation skills of real-world reconstructed objects.


著者 Diego Hidalgo-Carvajal,Hanzhi Chen,Gemma C. Bettelani,Jaesug Jung,Melissa Zavaglia,Laura Busse,Abdeldjallil Naceri,Stefan Leutenegger,Sami Haddadin
発行日 2023-11-09 15:06:38+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CV, cs.RO パーマリンク