Batch Bayesian Optimization for Replicable Experimental Design


現実世界の実験計画問題の多くは、(a) 複数の実験条件を並行して評価し、(b) 大きくて不均一分散的な観測ノイズにより各条件を複数回再現します。
両方の課題に取り組むために、私たちは 3 つのアルゴリズムを含む Batch Thompson Sampling for Replicable Experimental Design (BTS-RED) フレームワークを提案します。
BTS-RED-Known および BTS-RED-Unknown アルゴリズムは、それぞれ既知および未知のノイズ分散に対して、より大きなノイズ分散を持つ入力がより多く複製されるように、決定論的ではなく適応的に複製の数を選択します。
当社の Mean-Var-BTS-RED アルゴリズムは、リスク回避の最適化を目的としており、漸近的に後悔がありません。
また、精密農業と AutoML という 2 つの実用的な現実世界のアプリケーションにおけるアルゴリズムの有効性も示します。


Many real-world experimental design problems (a) evaluate multiple experimental conditions in parallel and (b) replicate each condition multiple times due to large and heteroscedastic observation noise. Given a fixed total budget, this naturally induces a trade-off between evaluating more unique conditions while replicating each of them fewer times vs. evaluating fewer unique conditions and replicating each more times. Moreover, in these problems, practitioners may be risk-averse and hence prefer an input with both good average performance and small variability. To tackle both challenges, we propose the Batch Thompson Sampling for Replicable Experimental Design (BTS-RED) framework, which encompasses three algorithms. Our BTS-RED-Known and BTS-RED-Unknown algorithms, for, respectively, known and unknown noise variance, choose the number of replications adaptively rather than deterministically such that an input with a larger noise variance is replicated more times. As a result, despite the noise heteroscedasticity, both algorithms enjoy a theoretical guarantee and are asymptotically no-regret. Our Mean-Var-BTS-RED algorithm aims at risk-averse optimization and is also asymptotically no-regret. We also show the effectiveness of our algorithms in two practical real-world applications: precision agriculture and AutoML.


著者 Zhongxiang Dai,Quoc Phong Nguyen,Sebastian Shenghong Tay,Daisuke Urano,Richalynn Leong,Bryan Kian Hsiang Low,Patrick Jaillet
発行日 2023-11-02 12:46:03+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.LG パーマリンク