Learning to See Physical Properties with Active Sensing Motor Policies


ラベル付きデータがなければ、観察された地形を入力として受け取り、物理的特性を予測するビジョン システムを構築することは依然として困難です。
正確なラベル付けを保証するために、アクティブ センシング モーター ポリシー (ASMP) を導入します。これは、物理パラメーターの推定精度を高める移動動作を調査するようにトレーニングされています。


Knowledge of terrain’s physical properties inferred from color images can aid in making efficient robotic locomotion plans. However, unlike image classification, it is unintuitive for humans to label image patches with physical properties. Without labeled data, building a vision system that takes as input the observed terrain and predicts physical properties remains challenging. We present a method that overcomes this challenge by self-supervised labeling of images captured by robots during real-world traversal with physical property estimators trained in simulation. To ensure accurate labeling, we introduce Active Sensing Motor Policies (ASMP), which are trained to explore locomotion behaviors that increase the accuracy of estimating physical parameters. For instance, the quadruped robot learns to swipe its foot against the ground to estimate the friction coefficient accurately. We show that the visual system trained with a small amount of real-world traversal data accurately predicts physical parameters. The trained system is robust and works even with overhead images captured by a drone despite being trained on data collected by cameras attached to a quadruped robot walking on the ground.


著者 Gabriel B. Margolis,Xiang Fu,Yandong Ji,Pulkit Agrawal
発行日 2023-11-02 17:19:18+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CV, cs.LG, cs.RO パーマリンク