Discovering Structure From Corruption for Unsupervised Image Reconstruction


任意の 1 つの画像の空間構造をエンコードする事前分布を使用して逆問題を解くのではなく、基礎となる画像の集合構造に事前制約を組み込むことによって一連の逆問題を共同で解くことを提案します。
ジェネレーターと潜在的な埋め込みのパラメーターは、証拠下限 (ELBO) のプロキシを最大化することによって見つかります。
私たちが提案するフレームワークは一般的な順モデルの破損を処理でき、少数のグラウンドトゥルース画像 ($\leqslant 150$) のみから得られた測定値が画像再構成に十分であることを示します。
ノイズ除去、位相回復、ブラック ホール ビデオ再構成など、さまざまな凸型および非凸型の逆問題に対するアプローチを示します。


We consider solving ill-posed imaging inverse problems without access to an image prior or ground-truth examples. An overarching challenge in these inverse problems is that an infinite number of images, including many that are implausible, are consistent with the observed measurements. Thus, image priors are required to reduce the space of possible solutions to more desirable reconstructions. However, in many applications it is difficult or potentially impossible to obtain example images to construct an image prior. Hence inaccurate priors are often used, which inevitably result in biased solutions. Rather than solving an inverse problem using priors that encode the spatial structure of any one image, we propose to solve a set of inverse problems jointly by incorporating prior constraints on the collective structure of the underlying images. The key assumption of our work is that the underlying images we aim to reconstruct share common, low-dimensional structure. We show that such a set of inverse problems can be solved simultaneously without the use of a spatial image prior by instead inferring a shared image generator with a low-dimensional latent space. The parameters of the generator and latent embeddings are found by maximizing a proxy for the Evidence Lower Bound (ELBO). Once identified, the generator and latent embeddings can be combined to provide reconstructed images for each inverse problem. The framework we propose can handle general forward model corruptions, and we show that measurements derived from only a small number of ground-truth images ($\leqslant 150$) are sufficient for image reconstruction. We demonstrate our approach on a variety of convex and non-convex inverse problems, including denoising, phase retrieval, and black hole video reconstruction.


著者 Oscar Leong,Angela F. Gao,He Sun,Katherine L. Bouman
発行日 2023-11-01 16:24:08+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CV, eess.IV パーマリンク