Electrostatic Brakes Enable Individual Joint Control of Underactuated, Highly Articulated Robots


電気機械モーターと比較して、当社のブレーキ付きジョイントは 4 倍軽量で、電力効率が 1,000 倍高く、同様の保持トルクを発揮します。
当社の関節設計により、モーターを 1 つだけ備えた 10 自由度のロボットが複数の物体を同時に操作できるようになります。
また、ブレーキを使用すると、2 本指ロボットがブレーキを使用しない場合に比べて、45% 速く、53% 低い位置決め誤差でオブジェクトの手持ち再位置決めを実行できることも示しました。


Highly articulated organisms serve as blueprints for incredibly dexterous mechanisms, but building similarly capable robotic counterparts has been hindered by the difficulties of developing electromechanical actuators with both the high strength and compactness of biological muscle. We develop a stackable electrostatic brake that has comparable specific tension and weight to that of muscles and integrate it into a robotic joint. Compared to electromechanical motors, our brake-equipped joint is four times lighter and one thousand times more power efficient while exerting similar holding torques. Our joint design enables a ten degree-of-freedom robot equipped with only one motor to manipulate multiple objects simultaneously. We also show that the use of brakes allows a two-fingered robot to perform in-hand re-positioning of an object 45% more quickly and with 53% lower positioning error than without brakes. Relative to fully actuated robots, our findings suggest that robots equipped with such electrostatic brakes will have lower weight, volume, and power consumption yet retain the ability to reach arbitrary joint configurations.


著者 Patrick Lancaster,Christoforos Mavrogiannis,Siddhartha Srinivasa,Joshua Smith
発行日 2023-10-30 16:03:58+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.RO パーマリンク