Addressing Limitations of State-Aware Imitation Learning for Autonomous Driving


ただし、2 つの問題により、このアプローチの可能性は最大限に制限されます。(i) 慣性の問題、エージェントが加速度のない低速を誤って相関させる因果的混乱の特殊なケース、および (ii) オフラインとオンラインのパフォーマンス間の低い相関関係


Conditional Imitation learning is a common and effective approach to train autonomous driving agents. However, two issues limit the full potential of this approach: (i) the inertia problem, a special case of causal confusion where the agent mistakenly correlates low speed with no acceleration, and (ii) low correlation between offline and online performance due to the accumulation of small errors that brings the agent in a previously unseen state. Both issues are critical for state-aware models, yet informing the driving agent of its internal state as well as the state of the environment is of crucial importance. In this paper we propose a multi-task learning agent based on a multi-stage vision transformer with state token propagation. We feed the state of the vehicle along with the representation of the environment as a special token of the transformer and propagate it throughout the network. This allows us to tackle the aforementioned issues from different angles: guiding the driving policy with learned stop/go information, performing data augmentation directly on the state of the vehicle and visually explaining the model’s decisions. We report a drastic decrease in inertia and a high correlation between offline and online metrics.


著者 Luca Cultrera,Federico Becattini,Lorenzo Seidenari,Pietro Pala,Alberto Del Bimbo
発行日 2023-10-31 17:21:26+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CV, cs.RO パーマリンク