Moments for Perceptive Narration Analysis Through the Emotional Attachment of Audience to Discourse and Story


モーメントは、特定の期間におけるすべてのキャラクターまたは 1 人のキャラクターのアクション、相互作用、および表現の認識として定義されます。
私たちは瞬間を、物語の瞬間と談話の瞬間という 2 つの主要なタイプに分類します。
それぞれの瞬間はさらに 3 つのタイプに分類でき、これらを普遍的なストーリーテリングの瞬間と呼びます。
カタログ化されたモーメントは、曲線またはカラー ストリップを使用して表現できます。
したがって、ストーリーを通じたキャラクターの旅を 3D 曲線またはカラー ストリップとして視覚化できます。
また、物語と談話の瞬間の両方を 1 つの一括魅力パラメータに変換できることも実証しました。


In this work, our goal is to develop a theoretical framework that can eventually be used for analyzing the effectiveness of visual stories such as feature films to comic books. To develop this theoretical framework, we introduce a new story element called moments. Our conjecture is that any linear story such as the story of a feature film can be decomposed into a set of moments that follow each other. Moments are defined as the perception of the actions, interactions, and expressions of all characters or a single character during a given time period. We categorize the moments into two major types: story moments and discourse moments. Each type of moment can further be classified into three types, which we call universal storytelling moments. We believe these universal moments foster or deteriorate the emotional attachment of the audience to a particular character or the story. We present a methodology to catalog the occurrences of these universal moments as they are found in the story. The cataloged moments can be represented using curves or color strips. Therefore, we can visualize a character’s journey through the story as either a 3D curve or a color strip. We also demonstrated that both story and discourse moments can be transformed into one lump-sum attraction parameter. The attraction parameter in time provides a function that can be plotted graphically onto a timeline illustrating changes in the emotional attachment of audience to a character or the story. By inspecting these functions the story analyst can analytically decipher the moments in the story where the attachment is being established, maintained, strengthened, or conversely where it is languishing.


著者 Gary Bruins,Ergun Akleman
発行日 2023-10-27 16:59:13+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.CY, cs.DL パーマリンク