Computing Marginal and Conditional Divergences between Decomposable Models with Applications


2 つの高次元分布間の正確な発散を計算する機能は多くのアプリケーションで役立ちますが、単純に計算するのは困難です。
2 つの分解可能なモデル、つまり弦マルコフ ネットワークの同時分布間のアルファベータ発散 (カルバック ライブラー発散とヘリンジャー距離を含む一連の発散) の計算は、これらのモデルのツリー幅で時間指数関数的に実行できます。

ただし、2 つの高次元オブジェクト間の非類似性を単一のスカラー値に換算することは有益ではない可能性があります。
したがって、2 つの分解可能なモデルの周辺分布または条件付き分布間の正確なアルファ – ベータ発散を計算するアプローチを提案します。
すべての実験のコードは、 で入手できます。


The ability to compute the exact divergence between two high-dimensional distributions is useful in many applications but doing so naively is intractable. Computing the alpha-beta divergence — a family of divergences that includes the Kullback-Leibler divergence and Hellinger distance — between the joint distribution of two decomposable models, i.e chordal Markov networks, can be done in time exponential in the treewidth of these models. However, reducing the dissimilarity between two high-dimensional objects to a single scalar value can be uninformative. Furthermore, in applications such as supervised learning, the divergence over a conditional distribution might be of more interest. Therefore, we propose an approach to compute the exact alpha-beta divergence between any marginal or conditional distribution of two decomposable models. Doing so tractably is non-trivial as we need to decompose the divergence between these distributions and therefore, require a decomposition over the marginal and conditional distributions of these models. Consequently, we provide such a decomposition and also extend existing work to compute the marginal and conditional alpha-beta divergence between these decompositions. We then show how our method can be used to analyze distributional changes by first applying it to a benchmark image dataset. Finally, based on our framework, we propose a novel way to quantify the error in contemporary superconducting quantum computers. Code for all experiments is available at:


著者 Loong Kuan Lee,Geoffrey I. Webb,Daniel F. Schmidt,Nico Piatkowski
発行日 2023-10-13 14:17:25+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.LG パーマリンク