Discovering Fatigued Movements for Virtual Character Animation


仮想キャラクター アニメーションと動きの合成は、特に広範なモーション キャプチャ データセットと機械学習の組み合わせを通じて、近年急速に進歩しました。
このために、私たちはまず敵対的模倣学習 (GAIL) を活用して、スキルの専門家ポリシーを学習します。
次に、3 コンパートメント コントローラー (3CC) モデルを使用して、耐久時間に基づいて生成される一定トルクの限界を、関節作動空間内の非線形で状態および時間に依存する限界に制限することで、疲労ポリシーを学習します。


Virtual character animation and movement synthesis have advanced rapidly during recent years, especially through a combination of extensive motion capture datasets and machine learning. A remaining challenge is interactively simulating characters that fatigue when performing extended motions, which is indispensable for the realism of generated animations. However, capturing such movements is problematic, as performing movements like backflips with fatigued variations up to exhaustion raises capture cost and risk of injury. Surprisingly, little research has been done on faithful fatigue modeling. To address this, we propose a deep reinforcement learning-based approach, which — for the first time in literature — generates control policies for full-body physically simulated agents aware of cumulative fatigue. For this, we first leverage Generative Adversarial Imitation Learning (GAIL) to learn an expert policy for the skill; Second, we learn a fatigue policy by limiting the generated constant torque bounds based on endurance time to non-linear, state- and time-dependent limits in the joint-actuation space using a Three-Compartment Controller (3CC) model. Our results demonstrate that agents can adapt to different fatigue and rest rates interactively, and discover realistic recovery strategies without the need for any captured data of fatigued movement.


著者 Noshaba Cheema,Rui Xu,Nam Hee Kim,Perttu Hämäläinen,Vladislav Golyanik,Marc Habermann,Christian Theobalt,Philipp Slusallek
発行日 2023-10-12 17:59:51+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.GR, cs.RO, I.3.7 パーマリンク