Eclares: Energy-Aware Clarity-Driven Ergodic Search


これらの問題に対処するために、私たちは Eclares と呼ばれるフレームワークを提案します。このフレームワークでは、私たちの貢献は 2 つあります。
1) まず、[0,1] の間に境界のある情報尺度である明瞭度を使用して、エルゴード軌道最適化のためのターゲット情報の空間分布を構築する方法を提案します。
2) 次に、エルゴード軌道を直接追跡する代わりに、エネルギー認識 (eware) フィルターを導入します。これは、エルゴード軌道を繰り返し検証して、必要なときにロボットが充電ステーションに戻るのに十分なエネルギーを確保できるようにします。
提案された eware フィルターは、非線形ロボット モデルに適用でき、計算量が軽量です。


Planning informative trajectories while considering the spatial distribution of the information over the environment, as well as constraints such as the robot’s limited battery capacity, makes the long-time horizon persistent coverage problem complex. Ergodic search methods consider the spatial distribution of environmental information while optimizing robot trajectories; however, current methods lack the ability to construct the target information spatial distribution for environments that vary stochastically across space and time. Moreover, current coverage methods dealing with battery capacity constraints either assume simple robot and battery models, or are computationally expensive. To address these problems, we propose a framework called Eclares, in which our contribution is two-fold. 1) First, we propose a method to construct the target information spatial distribution for ergodic trajectory optimization using clarity, an information measure bounded between [0,1]. The clarity dynamics allows us to capture information decay due to lack of measurements and to quantify the maximum attainable information in stochastic spatiotemporal environments. 2) Second, instead of directly tracking the ergodic trajectory, we introduce the energy-aware (eware) filter, which iteratively validates the ergodic trajectory to ensure that the robot has enough energy to return to the charging station when needed. The proposed eware filter is applicable to nonlinear robot models and is computationally lightweight. We demonstrate the working of the framework through a simulation case study.


著者 Kaleb Ben Naveed,Devansh Agrawal,Christopher Vermillion,Dimitra Panagou
発行日 2023-10-10 18:42:55+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.RO パーマリンク