CAT-RRT: Motion Planning that Admits Contact One Link at a Time


より具体的には、新しいリンクごとのコスト ヒューリスティックを使用して、高コストの障害物領域を横断してパスを見つけるプランナーである Contact Admissible Transition-based Rapidly Exploring Random Trees (CAT-RRT) を紹介します。
逆に、CAT-RRT は、各ロボット リンクで実行される適応しきい値処理メカニズムを使用して、低コスト領域と高コスト領域の両方を同時に検索します。
これにより、効率、パス長、コンタクト コストのバランスが取れたパスが得られます。


Current motion planning approaches rely on binary collision checking to evaluate the validity of a state and thereby dictate where the robot is allowed to move. This approach leaves little room for robots to engage in contact with an object, as is often necessary when operating in densely cluttered spaces. In this work, we propose an alternative method that considers contact states as high-cost states that the robot should avoid but can traverse if necessary to complete a task. More specifically, we introduce Contact Admissible Transition-based Rapidly exploring Random Trees (CAT-RRT), a planner that uses a novel per-link cost heuristic to find a path by traversing high-cost obstacle regions. Through extensive testing, we find that state-of-the-art optimization planners tend to over-explore low-cost states, which leads to slow and inefficient convergence to contact regions. Conversely, CAT-RRT searches both low and high-cost regions simultaneously with an adaptive thresholding mechanism carried out at each robot link. This leads to paths with a balance between efficiency, path length, and contact cost.


著者 Nataliya Nechyporenko,Caleb Escobedo,Shreyas Kadekodi,Alessandro Roncone
発行日 2023-10-09 23:42:33+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.RO パーマリンク