Domain Invariant Adversarial Learning


敵対的な例の現象は、ディープ ニューラル ネットワークの最も基本的な脆弱性の 1 つを示しています。
堅牢でドメイン不変の特徴表現を学習する、新しい敵対的トレーニング方法であるドメイン不変敵対的学習 (DIAL) を紹介します。
DIAL は、自然ドメインとそれに対応する敵対的ドメインでドメイン敵対的ニューラル ネットワーク (DANN) のバリアントを使用します。
DIAL は、任意の敵対的トレーニング方法に簡単に組み込むことができる、一般的でモジュール化された手法です。


The phenomenon of adversarial examples illustrates one of the most basic vulnerabilities of deep neural networks. Among the variety of techniques introduced to surmount this inherent weakness, adversarial training has emerged as the most effective strategy for learning robust models. Typically, this is achieved by balancing robust and natural objectives. In this work, we aim to further optimize the trade-off between robust and standard accuracy by enforcing a domain-invariant feature representation. We present a new adversarial training method, Domain Invariant Adversarial Learning (DIAL), which learns a feature representation that is both robust and domain invariant. DIAL uses a variant of Domain Adversarial Neural Network (DANN) on the natural domain and its corresponding adversarial domain. In the case where the source domain consists of natural examples and the target domain is the adversarially perturbed examples, our method learns a feature representation constrained not to discriminate between the natural and adversarial examples, and can therefore achieve a more robust representation. DIAL is a generic and modular technique that can be easily incorporated into any adversarial training method. Our experiments indicate that incorporating DIAL in the adversarial training process improves both robustness and standard accuracy.


著者 Matan Levi,Idan Attias,Aryeh Kontorovich
発行日 2022-09-13 10:03:47+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CV, cs.LG パーマリンク