Maximizing Performance with Minimal Resources for Real-Time Transition Detection


歩行、階段の上り下り、座るなどのさまざまなアクティビティ間の移行を効率的に検出することは、適応制御を確保し、ユーザー エクスペリエンスを向上させるために重要です。
このしきい値ベースの方法では、機械学習アプローチと比較して、リアルタイムの組み込み処理時間のパフォーマンスが最大 11 倍向上します。
開発された有限状態マシンの有効性は、3 つの異なる測定システムから収集されたデータを使用して検証されます。


Assistive devices, such as exoskeletons and prostheses, have revolutionized the field of rehabilitation and mobility assistance. Efficiently detecting transitions between different activities, such as walking, stair ascending and descending, and sitting, is crucial for ensuring adaptive control and enhancing user experience. We here present an approach for real-time transition detection, aimed at optimizing the processing-time performance. By establishing activity-specific threshold values through trained machine learning models, we effectively distinguish motion patterns and we identify transition moments between locomotion modes. This threshold-based method improves real-time embedded processing time performance by up to 11 times compared to machine learning approaches. The efficacy of the developed finite-state machine is validated using data collected from three different measurement systems. Moreover, experiments with healthy participants were conducted on an active pelvis orthosis to validate the robustness and reliability of our approach. The proposed algorithm achieved high accuracy in detecting transitions between activities. These promising results show the robustness and reliability of the method, reinforcing its potential for integration into practical applications.


著者 Zeynep Ozge Orhan,Andrea Dal Prete,Anastasia Bolotnikova,Marta Gandolla,Auke Ijspeert,Mohamed Bouri
発行日 2023-10-06 09:32:34+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.RO パーマリンク