Sampling via Gradient Flows in the Space of Probability Measures


この論文は、このような勾配流の設計コンポーネントを精査することにより、このサンプリング手法に 3 つの貢献を行います。
私たちの最初の貢献は、エネルギー関数としてのカルバック・ライブラー発散が、それから生じる勾配流がターゲット分布の正規化定数に依存しないという (すべての f 発散の中で) 独特の特性を持っていることを示すことです。
私たちの 2 番目の貢献は、不変性の観点から指標の選択を研究することです。
Fisher-Rao 計量は、微分同相不変の一意の選択 (スケーリングまで) として知られています。
特に、さまざまなアフィン不変の Wasserstein および Stein 勾配フローを構築します。
私たちの 3 番目の貢献は、勾配流のガウス近似に基づいた効率的なアルゴリズムを研究し、開発することです。


Sampling a target probability distribution with an unknown normalization constant is a fundamental challenge in computational science and engineering. Recent work shows that algorithms derived by considering gradient flows in the space of probability measures open up new avenues for algorithm development. This paper makes three contributions to this sampling approach by scrutinizing the design components of such gradient flows. Any instantiation of a gradient flow for sampling needs an energy functional and a metric to determine the flow, as well as numerical approximations of the flow to derive algorithms. Our first contribution is to show that the Kullback-Leibler divergence, as an energy functional, has the unique property (among all f-divergences) that gradient flows resulting from it do not depend on the normalization constant of the target distribution. Our second contribution is to study the choice of metric from the perspective of invariance. The Fisher-Rao metric is known as the unique choice (up to scaling) that is diffeomorphism invariant. As a computationally tractable alternative, we introduce a relaxed, affine invariance property for the metrics and gradient flows. In particular, we construct various affine invariant Wasserstein and Stein gradient flows. Affine invariant gradient flows are shown to behave more favorably than their non-affine-invariant counterparts when sampling highly anisotropic distributions, in theory and by using particle methods. Our third contribution is to study, and develop efficient algorithms based on Gaussian approximations of the gradient flows; this leads to an alternative to particle methods. We establish connections between various Gaussian approximate gradient flows, discuss their relation to gradient methods arising from parametric variational inference, and study their convergence properties both theoretically and numerically.


著者 Yifan Chen,Daniel Zhengyu Huang,Jiaoyang Huang,Sebastian Reich,Andrew M Stuart
発行日 2023-10-05 15:20:35+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.LG, cs.NA, math.DS, math.NA, stat.ML パーマリンク