Space-Fluid Adaptive Sampling by Self-Organisation


調整されたシステムで繰り返されるタスクは、分散した感知データや計算結果など、空間内で変化する信号を管理 (推定、予測、または制御) することです。
特に大規模な設定では、この問題は分散型の複数のコンピューティング システムを通じて対処できます。ノードはローカルで信号を感知、処理、および動作し、近隣ノードと調整して集団戦略を実装できます。
フィールドベースの調整フレームワークで適応サンプリング アルゴリズムを提供し、それが自己安定性と局所的に最適であることを証明します。


A recurrent task in coordinated systems is managing (estimating, predicting, or controlling) signals that vary in space, such as distributed sensed data or computation outcomes. Especially in large-scale settings, the problem can be addressed through decentralised and situated computing systems: nodes can locally sense, process, and act upon signals, and coordinate with neighbours to implement collective strategies. Accordingly, in this work we devise distributed coordination strategies for the estimation of a spatial phenomenon through collaborative adaptive sampling. Our design is based on the idea of dynamically partitioning space into regions that compete and grow/shrink to provide accurate aggregate sampling. Such regions hence define a sort of virtualised space that is ‘fluid’, since its structure adapts in response to pressure forces exerted by the underlying phenomenon. We provide an adaptive sampling algorithm in the field-based coordination framework, and prove it is self-stabilising and locally optimal. Finally, we verify by simulation that the proposed algorithm effectively carries out a spatially adaptive sampling while maintaining a tuneable trade-off between accuracy and efficiency.


著者 Roberto Casadei,Stefano Mariani,Danilo Pianini,Mirko Viroli,Franco Zambonelli
発行日 2023-10-05 10:46:56+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.DC, cs.MA, cs.SY, D.1.3, eess.SY パーマリンク