Exploring Social Choice Mechanisms for Recommendation Fairness in SCRUF


レコメンダー システムにおける公平性の問題は、実際には複雑なことが多く、単純化された調査定式化では適切に把握できません。
公平性問題の社会的選択の定式化は、公平性に関する懸念のマルチエージェント アーキテクチャ内で動作し、公平性を意識した推奨アプローチに代わる柔軟で多面的な代替手段を提供します。


Fairness problems in recommender systems often have a complexity in practice that is not adequately captured in simplified research formulations. A social choice formulation of the fairness problem, operating within a multi-agent architecture of fairness concerns, offers a flexible and multi-aspect alternative to fairness-aware recommendation approaches. Leveraging social choice allows for increased generality and the possibility of tapping into well-studied social choice algorithms for resolving the tension between multiple, competing fairness concerns. This paper explores a range of options for choice mechanisms in multi-aspect fairness applications using both real and synthetic data and shows that different classes of choice and allocation mechanisms yield different but consistent fairness / accuracy tradeoffs. We also show that a multi-agent formulation offers flexibility in adapting to user population dynamics.


著者 Amanda Aird,Cassidy All,Paresha Farastu,Elena Stefancova,Joshua Sun,Nicholas Mattei,Robin Burke
発行日 2023-10-05 16:07:59+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.IR パーマリンク