The Isotonic Mechanism for Exponential Family Estimation


2023 年、機械学習に関する国際会議 (ICML) では、複数の投稿がある著者に対し、認識された品質に基づいて投稿をランク付けすることが義務付けられました。
ICML 2023 ランキング データに対して実施された実験を紹介してこの論文を締めくくります。この実験では、アイソトニック メカニズムを使用した場合に大きな推定ゲインが得られることが示されています。


In 2023, the International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML) required authors with multiple submissions to rank their submissions based on perceived quality. In this paper, we aim to employ these author-specified rankings to enhance peer review in machine learning and artificial intelligence conferences by extending the Isotonic Mechanism to exponential family distributions. This mechanism generates adjusted scores that closely align with the original scores while adhering to author-specified rankings. Despite its applicability to a broad spectrum of exponential family distributions, implementing this mechanism does not require knowledge of the specific distribution form. We demonstrate that an author is incentivized to provide accurate rankings when her utility takes the form of a convex additive function of the adjusted review scores. For a certain subclass of exponential family distributions, we prove that the author reports truthfully only if the question involves only pairwise comparisons between her submissions, thus indicating the optimality of ranking in truthful information elicitation. Moreover, we show that the adjusted scores improve dramatically the estimation accuracy compared to the original scores and achieve nearly minimax optimality when the ground-truth scores have bounded total variation. We conclude the paper by presenting experiments conducted on the ICML 2023 ranking data, which show significant estimation gain using the Isotonic Mechanism.


著者 Yuling Yan,Weijie J. Su,Jianqing Fan
発行日 2023-10-02 14:33:05+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.GT, cs.LG, econ.TH, math.ST, stat.ME, stat.TH パーマリンク