Harnessing Perceptual Adversarial Patches for Crowd Counting




Crowd counting, which has been widely adopted for estimating the number of people in safety-critical scenes, is shown to be vulnerable to adversarial examples in the physical world (e.g., adversarial patches). Though harmful, adversarial examples are also valuable for evaluating and better understanding model robustness. However, existing adversarial example generation methods for crowd counting lack strong transferability among different black-box models, which limits their practicability for real-world systems. Motivated by the fact that attacking transferability is positively correlated to the model-invariant characteristics, this paper proposes the Perceptual Adversarial Patch (PAP) generation framework to tailor the adversarial perturbations for crowd counting scenes using the model-shared perceptual features. Specifically, we handcraft an adaptive crowd density weighting approach to capture the invariant scale perception features across various models and utilize the density guided attention to capture the model-shared position perception. Both of them are demonstrated to improve the attacking transferability of our adversarial patches. Extensive experiments show that our PAP could achieve state-of-the-art attacking performance in both the digital and physical world, and outperform previous proposals by large margins (at most +685.7 MAE and +699.5 MSE). Besides, we empirically demonstrate that adversarial training with our PAP can benefit the performance of vanilla models in alleviating several practical challenges in crowd counting scenarios, including generalization across datasets (up to -376.0 MAE and -354.9 MSE) and robustness towards complex backgrounds (up to -10.3 MAE and -16.4 MSE).


著者 Shunchang Liu,Jiakai Wang,Aishan Liu,Yingwei Li,Yijie Gao,Xianglong Liu,Dacheng Tao
発行日 2022-09-09 07:57:11+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, DeepL

カテゴリー: cs.CV パーマリンク