Towards Novel Class Discovery: A Study in Novel Skin Lesions Clustering


最後に、ローカル サンプルの類似性を通じて近傍情報を集約することで擬似ラベルをさらに改良し、未知のカテゴリに対するモデルのクラスタリング パフォーマンスを向上させます。
私たちは皮膚科学データセット ISIC 2019 に対して広範な実験を実施しました。その実験結果は、私たちのアプローチが既知のカテゴリーからの知識を効果的に活用して、新しい意味論的カテゴリーを発見できることを示しています。


Existing deep learning models have achieved promising performance in recognizing skin diseases from dermoscopic images. However, these models can only recognize samples from predefined categories, when they are deployed in the clinic, data from new unknown categories are constantly emerging. Therefore, it is crucial to automatically discover and identify new semantic categories from new data. In this paper, we propose a new novel class discovery framework for automatically discovering new semantic classes from dermoscopy image datasets based on the knowledge of known classes. Specifically, we first use contrastive learning to learn a robust and unbiased feature representation based on all data from known and unknown categories. We then propose an uncertainty-aware multi-view cross pseudo-supervision strategy, which is trained jointly on all categories of data using pseudo labels generated by a self-labeling strategy. Finally, we further refine the pseudo label by aggregating neighborhood information through local sample similarity to improve the clustering performance of the model for unknown categories. We conducted extensive experiments on the dermatology dataset ISIC 2019, and the experimental results show that our approach can effectively leverage knowledge from known categories to discover new semantic categories. We also further validated the effectiveness of the different modules through extensive ablation experiments. Our code will be released soon.


著者 Wei Feng,Lie Ju,Lin Wang,Kaimin Song,Zongyuan Ge
発行日 2023-09-28 13:59:29+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CV パーマリンク