Detecting Objects with Context-Likelihood Graphs and Graph Refinement


私たちは、DETR や Faster-RCNN などの物体検出器や代替手法と比較して一貫した改善を達成する Visual Genome および MS-COCO データセットの実験を通じて、コンテキスト尤度グラフ定式化とエネルギーベースのグラフ洗練の利点を実証します。
私たちの方法は検出器に依存せず、エンドツーエンドでトレーニング可能であり、まれなオブジェクト クラスに対して特に有益です。


The goal of this paper is to detect objects by exploiting their interrelationships. Contrary to existing methods, which learn objects and relations separately, our key idea is to learn the object-relation distribution jointly. We first propose a novel way of creating a graphical representation of an image from inter-object relation priors and initial class predictions, we call a context-likelihood graph. We then learn the joint distribution with an energy-based modeling technique which allows to sample and refine the context-likelihood graph iteratively for a given image. Our formulation of jointly learning the distribution enables us to generate a more accurate graph representation of an image which leads to a better object detection performance. We demonstrate the benefits of our context-likelihood graph formulation and the energy-based graph refinement via experiments on the Visual Genome and MS-COCO datasets where we achieve a consistent improvement over object detectors like DETR and Faster-RCNN, as well as alternative methods modeling object interrelationships separately. Our method is detector agnostic, end-to-end trainable, and especially beneficial for rare object classes.


著者 Aritra Bhowmik,Yu Wang,Nora Baka,Martin R. Oswald,Cees G. M. Snoek
発行日 2023-09-27 17:43:12+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CV パーマリンク