How-to Guides for Specific Audiences: A Corpus and Initial Findings


このペーパーでは、特定のプラットフォーム wikiHow のハウツー ガイドが、対象読者に応じて実際にどの程度異なるかを調査します。
私たちは、特定の読者向けに書かれたテキストの質的特徴を調査する 2 つのケーススタディを実施します。
私たちの調査の結果、wikiHow のガイドは、他のテキスト ジャンルと同様に、微妙なバイアスの影響を受けることがわかりました。


Instructional texts for specific target groups should ideally take into account the prior knowledge and needs of the readers in order to guide them efficiently to their desired goals. However, targeting specific groups also carries the risk of reflecting disparate social norms and subtle stereotypes. In this paper, we investigate the extent to which how-to guides from one particular platform, wikiHow, differ in practice depending on the intended audience. We conduct two case studies in which we examine qualitative features of texts written for specific audiences. In a generalization study, we investigate which differences can also be systematically demonstrated using computational methods. The results of our studies show that guides from wikiHow, like other text genres, are subject to subtle biases. We aim to raise awareness of these inequalities as a first step to addressing them in future work.


著者 Nicola Fanton,Agnieszka Falenska,Michael Roth
発行日 2023-09-21 14:35:42+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CL パーマリンク