GNSS/Multi-Sensor Fusion Using Continuous-Time Factor Graph Optimization for Robust Localization


このペーパーでは、GNSS 観測と複数のセンサー測定を融合して確実な車両位置特定を実現する、オンラインかつグローバルな軌道推定ツールである GNSS-FGO を紹介します。
GNSS-FGO では、ガウス過程回帰を使用して、非同期センサーの測定値を連続時間軌跡表現のグラフに融合します。
さまざまな GNSS 融合戦略を評価および研究するために、速度センサー、IMU、ライダーオドメトリと疎結合および密結合で GNSS 測定を融合します。


Accurate and robust vehicle localization in highly urbanized areas is challenging. Sensors are often corrupted in those complicated and large-scale environments. This paper introduces GNSS-FGO, an online and global trajectory estimator that fuses GNSS observations alongside multiple sensor measurements for robust vehicle localization. In GNSS-FGO, we fuse asynchronous sensor measurements into the graph with a continuous-time trajectory representation using Gaussian process regression. This enables querying states at arbitrary timestamps so that sensor observations are fused without requiring strict state and measurement synchronization. Thus, the proposed method presents a generalized factor graph for multi-sensor fusion. To evaluate and study different GNSS fusion strategies, we fuse GNSS measurements in loose and tight coupling with a speed sensor, IMU, and lidar-odometry. We employed datasets from measurement campaigns in Aachen, Duesseldorf, and Cologne in experimental studies and presented comprehensive discussions on sensor observations, smoother types, and hyperparameter tuning. Our results show that the proposed approach enables robust trajectory estimation in dense urban areas, where the classic multi-sensor fusion method fails due to sensor degradation. In a test sequence containing a 17km route through Aachen, the proposed method results in a mean 2D positioning error of 0.19m for loosely coupled GNSS fusion and 0.48m while fusing raw GNSS observations with lidar odometry in tight coupling.


著者 Haoming Zhang,Chih-Chun Chen,Heike Vallery,Timothy D. Barfoot
発行日 2023-09-20 08:30:53+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.RO パーマリンク