ZigZag: Universal Sampling-free Uncertainty Estimation Through Two-Step Inference


有用な予測を生成するディープ ネットワークの能力は十分に実証されていますが、これらの予測の信頼性を推定することは依然として困難です。
MC ドロップアウトやディープ アンサンブルなどのサンプリング アプローチが、この目的で最も一般的なものとして浮上しています。
Ensembles と同等の結果が、はるかに低い計算コストで得られることを示します。


Whereas the ability of deep networks to produce useful predictions has been amply demonstrated, estimating the reliability of these predictions remains challenging. Sampling approaches such as MC-Dropout and Deep Ensembles have emerged as the most popular ones for this purpose. Unfortunately, they require many forward passes at inference time, which slows them down. Sampling-free approaches can be faster but suffer from other drawbacks, such as lower reliability of uncertainty estimates, difficulty of use, and limited applicability to different types of tasks and data. In this work, we introduce a sampling-free approach that is generic and easy to deploy, while producing reliable uncertainty estimates on par with state-of-the-art methods at a significantly lower computational cost. It is predicated on training the network to produce the same output with and without additional information about it. At inference time, when no prior information is given, we use the network’s own prediction as the additional information. We then take the distance between the predictions with and without prior information as our uncertainty measure. We demonstrate our approach on several classification and regression tasks. We show that it delivers results on par with those of Ensembles but at a much lower computational cost.


著者 Nikita Durasov,Nik Dorndorf,Hieu Le,Pascal Fua
発行日 2023-09-19 13:29:25+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CV, cs.LG パーマリンク