Symmetric Stair Preconditioning of Linear Systems for Parallel Trajectory Optimization


軌道最適化への多くのアルゴリズム的アプローチにおける重要なステップの 1 つは、中規模でまばらな線形システムの解決です。
典型的な軌道最適化問題を用いた数値実験により、文献に記載されている最良の代替並列プリコンディショナーと比較して、対称階段プリコンディショナーは条件数を最大 34% 削減し、結果として得られる線形システム ソルバーの数を最大 25% 削減できることが明らかになりました。


There has been a growing interest in parallel strategies for solving trajectory optimization problems. One key step in many algorithmic approaches to trajectory optimization is the solution of moderately-large and sparse linear systems. Iterative methods are particularly well-suited for parallel solves of such systems. However, fast and stable convergence of iterative methods is reliant on the application of a high-quality preconditioner that reduces the spread and increase the clustering of the eigenvalues of the target matrix. To improve the performance of these approaches, we present a new parallel-friendly symmetric stair preconditioner. We prove that our preconditioner has advantageous theoretical properties when used in conjunction with iterative methods for trajectory optimization such as a more clustered eigenvalue spectrum. Numerical experiments with typical trajectory optimization problems reveal that as compared to the best alternative parallel preconditioner from the literature, our symmetric stair preconditioner provides up to a 34% reduction in condition number and up to a 25% reduction in the number of resulting linear system solver iterations.


著者 Xueyi Bu,Brian Plancher
発行日 2023-09-12 17:46:01+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.RO, math.OC パーマリンク