A Tutorial on Distributed Optimization for Cooperative Robotics: from Setups and Algorithms to Toolboxes and Research Directions


マルチロボット システムにおけるいくつかの興味深い問題は、分散最適化のフレームワークに当てはまります。
具体的には、広く調査されているコンセンサス最適化 (データ分析に最適) とパーティションベースのセットアップ (最適化におけるグラフ構造の一致) について簡単に紹介した後、協調ロボティクスにおけるいくつかのシナリオをモデル化する 2 つの分散設定に焦点を当てます。


Several interesting problems in multi-robot systems can be cast in the framework of distributed optimization. Examples include multi-robot task allocation, vehicle routing, target protection and surveillance. While the theoretical analysis of distributed optimization algorithms has received significant attention, its application to cooperative robotics has not been investigated in detail. In this paper, we show how notable scenarios in cooperative robotics can be addressed by suitable distributed optimization setups. Specifically, after a brief introduction on the widely investigated consensus optimization (most suited for data analytics) and on the partition-based setup (matching the graph structure in the optimization), we focus on two distributed settings modeling several scenarios in cooperative robotics, i.e., the so-called constraint-coupled and aggregative optimization frameworks. For each one, we consider use-case applications, and we discuss tailored distributed algorithms with their convergence properties. Then, we revise state-of-the-art toolboxes allowing for the implementation of distributed schemes on real networks of robots without central coordinators. For each use case, we discuss their implementation in these toolboxes and provide simulations and real experiments on networks of heterogeneous robots.


著者 Andrea Testa,Guido Carnevale,Giuseppe Notarstefano
発行日 2023-09-08 10:50:22+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.RO, math.OC パーマリンク