Learning from Power Signals: An Automated Approach to Electrical Disturbance Identification Within a Power Transmission System


14 の異なるイベント タイプの分析が開発されました。
分析は 160 の信号ファイルに対してテストされ、99% の精度が得られました。
周期ヒストグラム プロセスはデジタル障害レコーダ自体に統合され、外乱イベントを引き起こすには小さすぎる、また数時間または数日にわたって発生する可能性のある微妙な信号変動の検出を容易にします。
メモリ要件を 320 分の 1 に削減することに加えて、循環ヒストグラム処理は初期のイベントと識別子の識別に役立つことが期待されます。


As power quality becomes a higher priority in the electric utility industry, the amount of disturbance event data continues to grow. Utilities do not have the required personnel to analyze each event by hand. This work presents an automated approach for analyzing power quality events recorded by digital fault recorders and power quality monitors operating within a power transmission system. The automated approach leverages rule-based analytics to examine the time and frequency domain characteristics of the voltage and current signals. Customizable thresholds are set to categorize each disturbance event. The events analyzed within this work include various faults, motor starting, and incipient instrument transformer failure. Analytics for fourteen different event types have been developed. The analytics were tested on 160 signal files and yielded an accuracy of ninety-nine percent. Continuous, nominal signal data analysis is performed using an approach coined as the cyclic histogram. The cyclic histogram process will be integrated into the digital fault recorders themselves to facilitate the detection of subtle signal variations that are too small to trigger a disturbance event and that can occur over hours or days. In addition to reducing memory requirements by a factor of 320, it is anticipated that cyclic histogram processing will aid in identifying incipient events and identifiers. This project is expected to save engineers time by automating the classification of disturbance events and increase the reliability of the transmission system by providing near real time detection and identification of disturbances as well as prevention of problems before they occur.


著者 Jonathan D. Boyd,Joshua H. Tyler,Anthony M. Murphy,Donald R. Reising
発行日 2023-09-08 14:41:21+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.LG, eess.SP パーマリンク