Evaluating the Efficacy of Supervised Learning vs Large Language Models for Identifying Cognitive Distortions and Suicidal Risks in Chinese Social Media


大規模な言語モデル、特に急速に進歩している GPT シリーズに類似したモデルは、その広範な影響力で注目を集めています。
私たちは教師あり学習をベースラインとして使用し、ゼロショット、少数ショット、微調整という 3 つの異なる戦略を通じて大規模言語モデルの有効性を調査し、対比しました。
特に、GPT-4 は複数のシナリオで同等のパフォーマンスを上回っていますが、GPT-3.5 は微調整後の自殺リスク分類において大幅な強化を示しています。


Large language models, particularly those akin to the rapidly progressing GPT series, are gaining traction for their expansive influence. While there is keen interest in their applicability within medical domains such as psychology, tangible explorations on real-world data remain scant. Concurrently, users on social media platforms are increasingly vocalizing personal sentiments; under specific thematic umbrellas, these sentiments often manifest as negative emotions, sometimes escalating to suicidal inclinations. Timely discernment of such cognitive distortions and suicidal risks is crucial to effectively intervene and potentially avert dire circumstances. Our study ventured into this realm by experimenting on two pivotal tasks: suicidal risk and cognitive distortion identification on Chinese social media platforms. Using supervised learning as a baseline, we examined and contrasted the efficacy of large language models via three distinct strategies: zero-shot, few-shot, and fine-tuning. Our findings revealed a discernible performance gap between the large language models and traditional supervised learning approaches, primarily attributed to the models’ inability to fully grasp subtle categories. Notably, while GPT-4 outperforms its counterparts in multiple scenarios, GPT-3.5 shows significant enhancement in suicide risk classification after fine-tuning. To our knowledge, this investigation stands as the maiden attempt at gauging large language models on Chinese social media tasks. This study underscores the forward-looking and transformative implications of using large language models in the field of psychology. It lays the groundwork for future applications in psychological research and practice.


著者 Hongzhi Qi,Qing Zhao,Changwei Song,Wei Zhai,Dan Luo,Shuo Liu,Yi Jing Yu,Fan Wang,Huijing Zou,Bing Xiang Yang,Jianqiang Li,Guanghui Fu
発行日 2023-09-07 08:50:46+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CL, cs.LG パーマリンク