DTW+S: Shape-based Comparison of Time-series with Ordered Local Trend


既存の尺度では、局所的な傾向 (形状) により類似点を捉えることができず、誤解を招く結果が生じる可能性もあります。
我々は、新しい尺度である DTW+S を提案します。これは、各列が局所的な傾向を表す、時系列の解釈可能な「近さ維持」行列表現を作成し、動的タイムワーピングを適用してこれらの行列間の距離を計算します。
アンサンブル構築と流行曲線のクラスタリングにおける DTW+S の有用性を実証します。


Measuring distance or similarity between time-series data is a fundamental aspect of many applications including classification and clustering. Existing measures may fail to capture similarities due to local trends (shapes) and may even produce misleading results. Our goal is to develop a measure that looks for similar trends occurring around similar times and is easily interpretable for researchers in applied domains. This is particularly useful for applications where time-series have a sequence of meaningful local trends that are ordered, such as in epidemics (a surge to an increase to a peak to a decrease). We propose a novel measure, DTW+S, which creates an interpretable ‘closeness-preserving’ matrix representation of the time-series, where each column represents local trends, and then it applies Dynamic Time Warping to compute distances between these matrices. We present a theoretical analysis that supports the choice of this representation. We demonstrate the utility of DTW+S in ensemble building and clustering of epidemic curves. We also demonstrate that our approach results in better classification compared to Dynamic Time Warping for a class of datasets, particularly when local trends rather than scale play a decisive role.


著者 Ajitesh Srivastava
発行日 2023-09-07 09:18:12+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.LG パーマリンク