Risk-Aware Navigation for Mobile Robots in Unknown 3D Environments


未知の 3D 環境での自律ナビゲーションは、インテリジェント交通機関にとって重要な問題ですが、依然として未解決の問題です。
これに関連して、我々は、軽度の衝突を含む環境との相互作用を直接処理することを目的とした、新しいリスク認識型ナビゲーション フレームワークを提案します。


Autonomous navigation in unknown 3D environments is a key issue for intelligent transportation, while still being an open problem. Conventionally, navigation risk has been focused on mitigating collisions with obstacles, neglecting the varying degrees of harm that collisions can cause. In this context, we propose a new risk-aware navigation framework, whose purpose is to directly handle interactions with the environment, including those involving minor collisions. We introduce a physically interpretable risk function that quantifies the maximum potential energy that the robot wheels absorb as a result of a collision. By considering this physical risk in navigation, our approach significantly broadens the spectrum of situations that the robot can undertake, such as speed bumps or small road curbs. Using this framework, we are able to plan safe trajectories that not only ensure safety but also actively address the risks arising from interactions with the environment.


著者 Elie Randriamiarintsoa,Johann Laconte,Benoit Thuilot,Romuald Aufrère
発行日 2023-09-06 12:11:19+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.RO パーマリンク